VisitFlorence introduces B&B La Casa dei Tintori
The staff of came to visit us, and we’re proud to communicate you that they wrote and interesting post about us.
Click on this link to read it, and if you like it don’t forget to share!
New Bus line to get to the B&B
Due to the recents work in progress for the construction of the new tram lines, the bus to get from the station to here changed.
But don’t worry, getting here by bus is still very easy!
Instead of taking the bus n°23, you should walk a few meters to reach the bus stop named STAZIONE VIA PANZANI, where you can catch the bus C1, which will bring you very close by the B&B.
You can easily recognize it because is part of the new buses of the city of Florence: small, electric and much more eco-friendly!
Here a little printable map to help you finding your way to here:
Aperitif at La Casa dei Tintori
All our guests ask us suggestions about traditional dishes from Florence and the best restaurants. But not many know about the aperitif tradition of Florence: it is a meal, usually in the late afternoon, consisting of little delicious snacks, served with a glass of wine. There are many shops offerings good aperitifs in Florence, however, since it is a local tradition, they tend to be located outside the city center.
This is why La Case dei Tintori B&B has decided to offer his guests a typical aperitif, and most importantly, a special moment of your holiday in Florence!
Information and details:
This is an additional on-demand service. Send an enquiry when booking your room, or during your stay.
The aperitif is served in our breakfast room any time between 13:00 – 19:00
This is a sample menu and indicative of the food on offer but we accept special requests.
– Tuscanian bread, schiacciata all’olio, coccoli, cheese, salami, olives, eggs, vegetables, bruschetta (tomato, extra-virgin olive oil, mushroom cream) .. and wine.
– 20 euro for one person
– 35 euro for 2 people.
Keep in touch with local news
Did you know that here in Florence you have the possibility to keep you informed on the latest news of the city?
An independent, free press, The Florentine is the longest-running English-language publication in Florence, printed in 10,000 copies every two weeks, and consulted online by over a quarter of a million readers each year. You can find it everywhere in town, from the newspapers stands to the main landmarks in town, always free of charge.
A present from Marguerita
A few months ago we had the pleasure to host three very kind womens in our B&B, which attended a class in a well renowned art academy situated close by our B&B. We meet always different people, coming for different reasons, but this visit was particular and we enjoyed it so much!
Marguerita, one of these ladies, made us the pleasure to give us one of her works, to share with the fans of our B&b. As you can see, the paint is really beautiful!