The first assessment of the four exhibitions of “Florence and Science”, seems to be very positive. The exhibitions will be held until May 9th at Palazzo Medici Riccardi, at “La Specola” (the Museum of Zoology and Natural History), at the Museum of the History of Science on Lungarno delle Grazie and the Science and Technology Cabinet.
The four exhibitions have been supported and organized by Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze for the cycle called “Little Big Museums”.
The exhibitions have been dedicated to Florence’s cultural and intellectual climate of pre-Risorgimento age, when many innovations proliferated in every field of science. Many masterpieces are shown: paintings, drawings, models and scientific collections among the most important in the world.
It is worth pointing out the opening to the public of the restored Torrino della Specola.
Moreover the Science and Technology Cabinet, offers free entries and guided visits to secondary schools students of the entire Province of Florence.
Students will admire the magnificent set of scientific sample and instruments of the late nineteenth century.
The box office has so far sold 11,293 cards, namely a special ticket (full price 10 euros, reduced price 7.5 and 4.5) that provides access to all four exhibitions offering numerous advantages such as free or discounted entry in many museums and exhibitions.
From next spring on, if you’re planning a pleasant weekend in a B&B in Florence, you can take the chance to visit one of the most interesting and entertaining exhibitions scheduled in the Tuscan capital.